Birkbeck Primary School





Chestnut Class

 Welcome to Year 2 Chestnut Class . Please see the PowerPoint presentation below which outlines what we will be covering in the Autumn term.




We have had a very busy few weeks in Chestnut Class!

In English we have been carefully writing a narrative about the story of Because Claudette. We have been using the writing lenses that we spoke about on the PowerPoint presentation. The book tells the story of a black lady named Claudette Colvin who fought for equal rights of black people in America in the 1950s. The children have enjoyed learning about the story and have had lots of brilliant discussion about the segregation laws and the differences between then and now.

In maths the children have worked hard to read, write and partition numbers up to 100. The children have been using concrete materials to ensure they have a sound understanding of number.

Our days in Chestnut Class have also been super busy with our Foundation Subjects such as Science, RE and History. With only a few weeks left to go until our school trip to the Tower of London, we have been working hard to find out lots of interesting facts and pieces of information about the Great Fire of London.

We can’t wait to tell you more about what we’ve been doing in a few week’s time!

Chestnut Class



Blog entry 31/10/2023

We had a great start the new academic year and have reached the end of the first half of our Autumn term. 

We visited the Tower of London to support our understanding and build upon the learning in History based on the Great Fire of London. The children took part in a workshop led by a candle stick maker and were challenged to travel back to 1666 and think about what they would have done to flee to safety during the Great Fire. We then walked to Pudding Lane where the fire began. Our trip to the Tower of London was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  





We have already had a very busy couple of weeks back at school since half term in Chestnut Class!

In Writing we are learning to write our own set of instructions. 

In Maths we have been looking at subtracting across 10 and now have moved on to 10 more and 10 less. 

We are also going to get started with our Christmas Performance which we are all very excited about. 

We can't wait to perform for everyone.



With just over a month to go until we break up for Christmas we are really excited to be learning all of our songs for the KS1 performance. We can't wait to show off our amazing singing and acting skills! 


Happy New Year!
Below is a PowerPoint Presentation of our Spring Term Overview. 
We are very excited to get stuck in to lots of fun learning this term!




Cress Experiment

Tuesday 20th February 2024

In science this term we are learning all about seeds, how they are dispersed by different plants and the conditions seeds need to be able to grow.

We conducted an experiment using cress seeds to find out how light and water impact the growth of seeds. Each Year 2 class grew their seeds in different conditions. Hazel Class didn't give their seeds any water for a week, Hawthorn Class kept their seeds in a cupboard without any light for a week and Chestnut class grew their seeds with both water and sunlight so that we could compare the results.


Chestnut Class. Their seeds had water and light. The seeds grew with green leaves and we couldn't see the soil because so many of the seeds had germinated.


Hazel Class. Their seeds had no water and light. Some seeds grew with green leaves, but the stems were very droopy and we could see lots of seeds hadn't germinated at all because the hard coat of the seed hadn't softened enough for the plant embryo to break out of. 


Hawthorn Class. Our seeds had water but no light. The stems grew much taller and thinner than the other seeds, because they were searching for light. Also the leaves were yellow, not green because without light, the plant can't make food in it's leaves.