Birkbeck Primary School


 “Every school day counts!”

School gates open at 8:30 every morning and children are free to come into the playground at any point from then until 8:50 when the gates are locked. Children arriving after this time should report to the school office. Any child arriving after 9:00 will be marked as late. 

The school day finishes at 3:20 which means that children spend a total of 32 hours and 30 minutes at school per week. 

For our children to gain the greatest benefit from their education it is vital that they attend school regularly and punctually. In order for any attendance and punctuality policy to be effective it must be consistently applied throughout the whole school, by its staff, pupils’ and parents

Although being absent cannot always be helped as we all do become ill from time to time, please take a look at the table below to show you exactly how much time your child could be missing.


365 Days in a Year  190 School Days in Total  Absence
100% Attendance 190 Days 0
95% Attendance 180 Days  2 Weeks
90% Attendance 171 Days 4 Weeks
85% Attendance 161 Days 6 Weeks
80% Attendance 152 Days More than half a term
75% Attendance 143 Days 9+ Weeks

Returning to School After Sickness/Injury

If your child is returning to school after a serious injury or illness, parents should report to the school office in order for a risk assessment to be completed, especially if your child needs things put in place upon their return i.e. no PE lessons whilst on crutches, etc.


It is the responsibility of the parent / carer to see that their child gets to school safely. Any absence should be explained by a telephone call, e-mail or Arbor message to school before 9.30am on the first day of absence. Absences are followed up on a daily basis by the school office. If no reason for absence is received the absence is recorded as unauthorised. Schools are now required, by law, to publish attendance figures at the end of each term and unexplained and / or unauthorised absence cannot go unchecked.

Holidays during Term Time 

The Head teacher and the Governing Body are not able to support holidays taken during term time. All such absences are recorded as unauthorised and may be subject to a penalty fine.

Medical or Other Appointments

Parents/carers should send written confirmation to the school if their child is to be collected early for an appointment.  Parents collecting children on such occasions must report to the school office. However, parents / carers are strongly encouraged not to make dental, opticians, etc. appointments during the school day as this is also recorded as an absence.


Attendance Policy

 Attendance Letter