Birkbeck Primary School


Read WrIte inc at Home

This page has been put together with resources supplied by Oxford Owl (for a full list of the resources available click here)

The page has been split into Set 1, 2 and 3 with all the resources you need to continue your child Read Write Inc journey at home. If you are unsure of your child's group,  ask your child's teacher. 

Virtual Phonics Lessons 

To keep your child's phonics learning 'ticking over' during the summer break, you can access virtual speed sound lessons by click on the phoneme below. Each phoneme will take your to the relevant virtual speed sound lesson. 

rwi at home virtual phonics lessons summer links.pdf



Watch these films to see an example of the Read Write Inc. Phonics Speed Sounds Lessons.

Parent Guides

Simple Speed Sound Chart

Complex Speed Sound Chart

Fred Games

RWI Introduction Parent Letter

Speed Sound Set 1 

Speed Sound e-book - This online book contains all of the Set 1   sounds along with their handwriting phrases  to help your child practice reading and writing the sounds.

These online slideshow will help your child build your child's reading fluency as they read the sounds.

Ditty Sheets - Use when your child can read all the Set 1 Speed Sounds and can sound blend. Try to read one or two Ditties each day.

Ditty Sheets

Set 1 Sounds parent information 

Speed Sound Set 2

 Speed Sound e-book - This online book contains all of the Set 2   sounds along with their handwriting phrases  to help your child practice reading   and writing the sounds.

These online slideshow will help your child build your child's reading fluency as they read the sounds.

Set 2 Sounds parent information 

Speed Sound Set 3

Speed Sound e-book - This online book contains all of the Set 3  sounds along with their handwriting phrases  to help your child practice reading  and writing the sounds.

These online slideshow will help your child build your child's reading fluency as they read the sounds.

Set 3 Sounds parent information